Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Great Zelda Retrospective: Intro

I'll probably end up making a logo using this.

Yeah, it might seem strange talking about Zelda multiple posts in a row, but hey, I got it on the mind for some reason.

Anyways, The Legend of Zelda is one of the most influential series in history, and the waves it's caused can be felt in many games today. So, I'm going to play through and give a rundown of every game in the series (which will obviously take a really long time) except for Four Swords (due to not having someone to play it with), Four Swords Adventure (because my friend sold his copy, maybe if I get my hands on another copy when the time comes), and the CDI games (they're really expensive, and I don't feel like paying for a CDI and them. They ain't worth it).

I won't be giving them any sort of numbered rating system (because numbered ratings are pointless, rant for another time), but I will give them a rating of Play or Don't Play if you're new to the series and haven't played them already. Let's face it, a couple games in the series, while still playable and fun, are really showing their age and won't appeal to a new gamer.

Anyways, expect the first game's review to pop up sometime in the next several weeks (I'm really busy right now, but hopefully it'll ease up).

At least I won't be going into this painful experience.

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