Saturday, October 30, 2010

Epic Yarn is Epic Fun

OK, I know I'm taking a while on Zelda II, got a little involved in quite a few other games. It's coming along though, I'm about 75% done with it right now. However, I did pick up Epic Yarn a couple days ago and really want to share my thoughts on it.

I am in absolute love with this game. It's easy, it's short, but god damn is it fun. While you can't die it is reasonably challenging to get gold rankings in a few of the stages.

Why is this game so good? There's quite a few reasons so let's just run down them in no particular order:

The Yarn effects are amazing. Seriously, praising graphics on a Wii game? Heck yes, this game is gorgeous, plain and simple. Watching the yarn water line fly up as you jump out of the water, or watching the yarn clouds get blown around by a gust of wind is just incredibly impressive, and the developers were very clever with their yarn effects, such as yarn getting yanked out to create shifting sand. This is the prettiest game I've seen stylistically since Okami.

The controls are incredibly smooth. They're great, the only downside is that you can't aim your whip down, but even that isn't a big deal. Kirby has a nice sized pool of moves to draw from. He can dash, slow fall, whip, throw, and ground pound, and all of these moves are utilized well to get through the game. Kirby also has plenty of transformations that are all very fun to use.

The levels are just fun. You aren't really playing to win, your playing to see what the developers thought of next. It's surprisingly fun though, and you'll constantly be thinking "Oh, that's so cool!" as you go through the game.

The two player option is well implemented. This game is two player in the same way NSMBW is four player. The levels are identical, it just adds the extra players in. What's great about this though is that you can switch at the beginning of every level either to multi or single player, and unlike NSMBW everything still counts in two player. The game never says "Oh you can't do this since your not playing alone".

Prince Fluff is just cool. 'nuff said.

The bad guy is a yarn Mexican with a magical sock necklace. That's just crazy enough to be awesome. Also his name is an awesomely lame pun.

The picture at the top of this post is actually in the game. No really, that's in the opening cutscene.

American Kirby is finally secure with himself and doesn't feel the need to act hardcore.

The game is just the right length for what it tries to be. Like I said, the game is all about seeing what the developers did, so it's only about 10 hours to do absolutely everything. Which means there's enough to see all whole lot of ideas, but the game isn't so long it stagnates. Some people may find it short, but I don't think it would have been half as good if it got dragged out. Maybe just one more world would have been nice, but I'm glad it's not too long.

So there you have it. Is the game perfect? No, I really do wish is was a fair bit more challenging, but it's still a damn fun game where the good far, far outweighs the bad. But if you think 10 hours is a little short, then go ahead and give it a rent. If you do really love it though, go ahead and pick it up, Good Feel needs your support to make more gems like this.